«Sustainability makes school»
Our name FRIEDBERG puts us under great pressure of expectation, not only out of longstanding school tradition. Nomen est omen! The name FRIEDBERG suggests the millennia-old longing for understanding, reconciliation and harmony with man at the centre. And since no sustainability can be practised without peace, our «label» FRIEDBERG also becomes the programme for our school project:
This means, namely, that we want to deal intensively and in a whole-school way with the challenges of sustainable development at Friedberg in the future: socially in the human sphere, ecologically in matters of environmental protection and economically in questions of economic efficiency.
In this way, we will not only lead our students at Friedberg to the Matura, but also take them with us into responsibility for this one world.
Lukas Krejčí, Principle
Join the community
By subscribing to the newsletter you show your support and become a voice in our community. We report regularly (in German) on the action and experience-oriented school activities in the environment and energy lessons and are pleased about your interest. Join us during the next four program years on our way to becoming a Climate School. We hope to win you over for effective climate protection in everyday life and to carry our message to the outside world.
Local voices

«With the «Climate School» programme and the «Sustainability at School» project, the Gymnasium Friedberg is doing significant pioneering work. Based on this commitment, sustainable thinking and acting is taught holistically. These important competences help to tackle current and future challenges in a targeted manner. I personally like this, but also as a city councillor of Gossau.»

«With its sustainability concept in teaching and school operations, the Friedberg Gymnasium makes an important contribution to more social interaction and a better environment and to the energy town of Gossau.»

«Education for sustainable development is elementary for coping with upcoming challenges. With the project «Sustainability at School» and the integrated «Climate School» programme at Friedberg Gymnasium, students are equipped with the necessary skills to think and act sustainably.»

«Sustainability requires conscious decisions on a daily basis, consistency in personal behaviour and moral courage in our work in society. Applied sustainability is a way of life. It conserves resources, the environment and the climate, promotes public spirit instead of egoism and contributes to more social justice and peace. This is exactly what happens at Gymnasium Friedberg.»